Come inside to the eye centre and transcend duality. The Master has our best interests at heart and is telling us this out of his love and compassion. He invites us to travel with him to the inner realms by stilling our mind and merging our soul in Naam, the inner spiritual melody always reverberating within. Soami Ji reminds us that this world is not our true home. Do your meditation and let go of illusion so that you may meet the Lord within. Attend to your spiritual work while you still have time. Our possessions, our wealth, our name and fame, will leave us eventually. Everyone else looks at us for what they can gain from us. In this discourse based on a poem by Soami Ji, Maharaj Ji reminds us that only the spiritual masters are our true friends. Among Your Companions, None Is Your Friend.Maharaj Ji also illustrated his teachings with dozens of quotations from a wide range of saints, so the universality of his message became very clear. The texts on which they are based are drawn from the writings of Soami Ji of Agra, Uttar Pradesh, who lived in the nineteenth century, and Guru Amardas of Punjab, who lived in the sixteenth century. These five discourses or satsangs reflect that truth. Maharaj Ji always began his discourses saying that the essential teachings of every saint are the same. He followed the traditional style of India, where a text is sung verse by verse and the speaker explains the text after each verse is sung. The discourse could last anything from one to two hours. As the discourse progressed, his speed increased, and he built around his core text an unassailable and overwhelming case for the inner way to God. His concern was always to remind his audience that all saints and God-realized souls teach the same truth. Without notes, he quoted extensively from the Sikh scriptures and from the writings of many Indian saints. When giving a discourse, he spoke quietly and slowly at the beginning. He said that his way of speaking reflected his lawyer’s training. Maharaj Charan Singh was a lawyer by profession before being appointed spiritual Master of Radha Soami Satsang Beas in 1951.